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06th - 07th April 2002

headbang_glaeser.jpg (35494 Byte)This was Tobias birthday celebration. We had already celebrated his birthday in Hamburg in the Backstage in 2000 when I didn't feel that well. Two years later he decided to celebrate in Hamburg again, this time in the Headbanger's Ballroom. This time we started in a very big group in the Irish Pub, which is at the "Fischmarkt", too. Maik, Helge have been with us, Saskia and Sabine also joined us but Sabine didn't stay all night long. It has been a really cool evening, we met Masterplan (very privat, not to be recognised!) and Olli showed us the basement of the Headbanger's were Mike Terrana and Iron Savior have their practicing rooms. We realized a little too late that two kind girls also had been in the Headbangers. We met them, when we were about to leave and walked together with them to the main-station, hehe, it was very funny!
On this page you will find many different and funny photos taken at different places. Have fun, watching them! Perhaps we will one day meet in the Headbanger's!? Thanks to every person who made this night happen!

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Irish Pub

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(1+2): photos taken in the Irish Pub at HH - Fischmarkt next to the Headbanger's

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Headbanger's Ballroom

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(1): Tobias, Saskia, Maik and Helge in the Headbanger's, (2+3): Roland and Jorn from Masterplan together with me

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Well enough private photos with the Masterplans, back to the other guys:
(1): Helge, Harald, Tobi, (2): Tobias and Harald, (3): Helge and Maik

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(1+3): Harald and Tobias (behind him), (2): Helge and Maik

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(1): Maik and Saskia, (2): Nice shot of Maik, (3): Harald and his loved beer!

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(1+2): not to many words on these: three guys having fun!

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(1): Nice portrait of Helge, (2): Well, I have seen this shot before! ;-)

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(1): Meik seems to like Tobi a lot!?, (2): "Mr. Gorgio Tobi Armani"

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Headbanger's Ballroom, "The Caves"

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(1): Olli showing us "The Caves", (2+3): Tobias and me infront of the "Helloween-Wall"

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(1): "Mr. Gamma Ray Harald", (2): "Mr. Jim Beam Tobias"

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Deutsche Bahn

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(1-4): Three guys aren't getting tired, they still have fun!