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3rd & 4th May '03

This was a trip I was looking to for many many weeks before. During one of my trips to the ballroom before, I saw the program for the next month and it said that there will be a drum workshop of Mike Terrana in May. For me there was no need to think it over. I was sure to go to this event by the time I knew it would take place.
There was another point why I had been looking very forward to that trip, because I had some great people around me joining me. First of all my drum student Johanna joined me. She likes Hamburg as much as I do and I was proud to introduce one of the best drummers of the world to her that evening. Some other great guys and metal fans joined me, Jan-Georg and Florian who already had been to Hamburg with me some times ago.
It became one of the best, heaviest and longest trips ever, we returned home late in the morning but were satisfied as much as we could be. So enjoy the photos of our trip now!

Thanks very much to all people who made this evening become something that will stay in our minds for ever: Thanks to my student Johanna for joining, thanks to Jan-Georg and Florian for being part of it. Thanks to Thomas Nack for being there, thanks to the Ballroom-Crew that night and last many many thanks to Mike for his incredible performance!

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Headbanger's Ballroom I

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(1): Jan-Georg, Flo and Johanna at the beginning of the night, (2): Jan-Georg, (3): Jan-Georg and Florian a little later that evening

The Team that Night:

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(1): My drum-student Johanna, (2): Florian, aka "The Little Termi", (3): Jan-Georg "Shorsh", (4): Jan-Georg and Florian rockin' to QUO music

Mike and his fans:

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(1): After the show Mike was in a very good mood and very kind to his "fans", he took a lot of time for us.
The photos show Johanna, Mike and me after the solo-gig of the Mighty Troll.

Headbanger's Ballroom II

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(1): Well, Jan-Georg, Harald and Florian much later that evening, (2): Jan-Georg (look how he helds the glass!!),
Florian and Jenny from the Ballroom Team, (3): Harald and Jenny

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(1): Me after jumping on the stage at the beginning of the helloween song "I want out",
nearly at the end of the time in the ballroom. Rockin' with some other guests,
(2): Jan-Georg and Florian measuring their forces like they always do in pubs,
(3): Two sleeping drummers shortly before leaving for the way home

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The Mighty Troll - Mike Terrana (solo)

(only a selection of photos I did that evening)

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Thoughts about Mike:

I am very much impressed by Mike's drumming. His way of drumming is something very special to me. It's hard to describe but his way of drumming is unique and that is something very rare nowadays. Too many drummers sound the same and don't have the special bit of playing style and drum sound. He has it for sure and he shows so much of his inside during his performances! Keep on, great work Mike!

Some words from him:

"Isch bin ein Staubsaugeer"

"Let's play some Bach in the Headbanger's Ballroom"

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