14th & 15th September '02
This was supposed to be an almost normal day, except of the fact that Jan-Georg and I wanted to make a "short" trip to Hamburg returning the same day. The day started as every Saturday does, training with the rowing kids. Afterwards I wanted to introduce Hamburg to Jan-Georg. We went to the fishmarket and to the Irish-Pub. And the main reason to go to the fishmarket was of course to introduce Jan-Georg to the Headbanger's Ballroom . We went to the HB quite early to be able to be able to catch the last train back home. Well and none of us would have guessed that it became a much longer and fivehundred times cooler trip to the Headbanger's than we planned! I introduced Jan-Georg to Olli, the chief of the Ballroom and when Jan-Georg was on the toilet, Olli told me what was to happen that evening. He told me that Roland Grapow were about to come and that Iron Savior had to cancel a gig they had and will therefore play a special surprise gig in the "Caves" of the HB! Wow, my heart started beating higher! Well, so I went to the toilet, too, to convince Jan-Georg to stay during the night. I didn't have to discuss that much with him, but he first had to ask his father via telephone, because his father had birthday the same day. Suprprisingly Mr. Ankewitz said: "Ach, mach doch was Du willst!" and that was the ticket to one of the coolest nights in the Headbanger's, but for sure: the first one is the best most of the times, eh? And here we go, it was cool and maybe the rerason why Jan-Georg started to love METAL!? Iron Savior played in their new practicing room, next to Mike Terrana's Caves. It was funny that Shorsh met another guest on the toilet who didn't catch the fact that the band was already playing in the basement... He only wondered: "Hmm, hier sollte doch 'ne Band spielen!" The first photo below shows Roland Grapow, former Helloween guitarist in the back, Jan-Georg (a little drunken) right of him and then me, "Crazy Harald".

Iron Savior's Secret-Gig
(1): The guests: Roland, Jan-Georg and me (middle to the right)

(1+2): Piet and Jan, (2): Thomas