27th July 2004 - "Reunion 2004"

(from left to right: Florian, Schorschi, Harald (me), Jan and "Harald II", not on the photo: Tobias, Nicki, Chris)
At the end of the rather hard term at University I felt a little bit sentimental, thinking of good ol' times and realized how long the last celebration at my bar has been ago: more than one year! The decision has been made from one day to the other and I created an invitation for a surprise-party with my best friends. "It is easy to get to know people in life. There are many people that crossed my ways, but online some are what I call true friends...". The party has been called "Reunion 2004" for different reasons... first of all it has been a kind of reunion with the old crew of guests of the Metal-Bar, for example Tobias, Jan, Schorschi,... secondly one of my favorite bands Stratovarius will probably reunite after their split and that made me happy, too.
OK, there were some more guests than named up to now: "Chris" (on the left) and "Nicki" that are my students. Perhaps it sounds a little crazy to celebrate with students I teach, but who cares, they like to serve the guest and being part of the party!

(1): The bar before the party in 2004

(1): Chris & Nicki talking and serving in the Metal-Bar, (2): Tobias back in the bar

(1): The Team 2004 at the beginning, (2+3): Cleaning up after Florian hat problems opening a beer

(1): Chris after cleaning is done, (2): Schorschi and Jan watching the result, (3): Schorschi playing "sachet-guitar", Chris couldn't believe it

(1+2): Schorschi, (3): me "posing"

"Isch (siehe rechts) habe fertisch":