This page is about my favorite Metal-Pub in Hamburg, The Headbanger's Ballroom at St. Pauli -
Fishmarkt. Before I had really often been to the Backstage which closed in 2002. The
Headbanger's Ballroom always is a good place to be, especially after metal concerts in
Hamburg. There are very often great aftershow-parties with the chance to meet the bands
and talk to them. In 1999 I had already been to the Headbanger's together with Jan,
Tobias and Maik but that time it was run by somebody else and I didn't like it as much as
I liked the Backstage that time. So this page is a kind of continuation of the Hamburg part on my personal homepage, so
I hope you will have as much fun as with my Hamburg section!? This page is dedicated to
the people who are always with me, my friends, is dedicated to all people from Hamburg I
met and who are living in this wonderfull city! First of all to name: Olli! Thanks for
great nights in your bar! Note: not all trips I did are represented with photos!